Thursday, June 9, 2011

Every 5 yrs

So what if you were required by the province to take a written and/or physical driving test to renew your driver's Licence? Lets not talk about $ for the test just yet. Lets talk about the possible good & bad which such a requirement would mean for us.

Highway Traffic Act changes from time to time. New signage is installed and updated. New vechicals and classes of vechicals change and are retired. We have a changing and aging population who have not had their ability to drive tested since they were licensed. Most people agree that there are a growing number of bad drivers out there. Where is the quality control of drivers? Did you know that you can get your G class test in some 17 different languages?

What about insurance rates? Would they go down, if more driver's were not allowed to be behind the wheel because they failed the test? Would the rates of those who did fail increase because they failed? Would the test help to remove uneducated drivers from the roads, to help ease congestion and help promote transit?

Currently those who hold a A, B, C, D, E, F class of licence are required to pass a written test every 5 years; as well we have to pass medical testing and have other requirements  just to hold our jobs? Yes we do. We are professionals and really don't mind keeping up to date with all the changes.

I and other professional drivers just want to help reduce congestion by remove dangerous drivers who we believe would not be able to pass a written and physical driving test. Thus they would be forced to retrain and improve their skills to get back on the road. This would make our roads safer, and easier with all the reduced traffic. Less traffic would see a HUGE savings by reducing fuel cost, grant us more parking spaces when shoping, and make the highway system more productive and less expansive.

What do you think?

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