The office became very insistent on having an answer from the driver. "You are wearing a poppy. Are you not? Poppies are a major drug export of that nation and you are wearing one." replied the officer. Now the driver was is a retired Canadian Armed forces member and took great offence to the line of questions and the tone of the officer.
The driver expressed that he was deeply offended by the officers remarks and question. The Driver through the use of some choice words towards the younger officer expressed his rage at the officers disrespect towards all those whose memory the driver and both our nations were were trying to protect and remember each time this year. The driver was not afraid of the officer and his gun. He was enraged by the younger officers disrespect for the poppy and what it means when worn.
What the driver and customs' officer did not know, was the the customs supervisor was listening to the entire conversation from the office and came out to address the problem. It did not help that the conversation was being over head across the parking lot at this point.
Finally the driver decided that enough was enough and was just about to ask to speak with the supervisor, when he appeared. The supervisor interrupted the heated argument and thanked the driver for taking the time to explain why he wore the poppy and wished him a good day. The supervisor then turned to the young officer and began to berate the young officer very loudly.
The driver left the station and would not easily forget the encounter.
So how do you remember?? Are you ready to defend yourself?
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